Stopping The Violence Counselling

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The Stopping the Violence program works within the feminist belief that women have a right to relationships which are free from violence. The STV program offers free individual counselling and support to women who have experienced violence and abuse. Often women who are victims of abuse learn that it’s not safe to voice their needs and feelings, instead, in an effort to protect themselves, they learned to focus on the needs of others. The goal of the Stopping the Violence Counselling Program is to empower women to evolve from the position of victim to victor and thus enable them to develop to their fullest potential. The program provides non-judgmental service to women 19 years old and over, and to teenage girls living an adult lifestyle.
Referrals can be made by other community agencies or individuals by telephone, personal contact, fax, or by letter. Although it is preferable for the woman to call and make her own appointment.

Cyndi Pallen is the Stopping the Violence Counselor. Cyndi started at the agency full-time on January 8th, 2018. 

Cyndi came to us with excellent education and credentials and a great deal of experience in areas of victim services, probation, mental health, and in specific areas of Child and Youth Care, working with community agencies, both here in Powell River and out of the community as well. Cyndi is a strong member of the Tla’amin Community and as such brings a wealth of understanding and commitment to support all community members in Powell River.

  The basic program hours will remain the same: 9 AM to 5 PM. Cyndi’s office phone number and email address will remain the same:  (604)-485-6965                                                    




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