Grace House (Transition House)

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Does your partner physically abuse you? Hit or push you around? Do they threaten to hurt you or your family? Force unwanted sex? Do they constantly criticize you, hurt your feelings? Put you down and stop you from seeing friends and family?
If you are feeling frightened of your partner or afraid for your children, feeling alone and helpless, feeling like a prisoner in your own home, then you are in an abusive situation.

You are not to blame and you are not alone! Many women are abused by their partners and often do not know that help is available.
Abuse affects all kinds of people regardless of income, social standing, religion or ethnicity. It doesn’t matter whether you are married or divorced, just dating, living together, or in a lesbian relationship.
Grace House provides safety and help for women and children who are in danger either physically or mentally. We provide counselling and resource information, telephone support (if you aren’t ready to come in) and community referrals. One of our workers is the person responsible for the agency website, so if you have any suggestions or concerns please let us know and we’ll pass it along.

All our services are free and confidential. We have a 24/7 emergency line so call us @ 604-485-9773

Use your voice, tell us what you're thinking.